Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm Back ...

I know it has been a while since I posted and I am sorry. Things have just been crazy busy and by the time I get home, well … I am pretty much ready for bed. I guess exhaustion is another joy of pregnancy, huh?

That being said, I am happy to share another belly picture. Ok, maybe happy isn’t the right word – but I’m sharing anyway! I feel like I am definitely “blooming!” Look at that Buddha belly!

Anyone, one of the big debates Mike and I are having right now is if we want to find out the sex of the baby. I say ABSO-FRICKIN-LUTELY! Mike, well he thinks it should be like opening a Christmas present and a surprise.

So what do you think? Our appointment is currently scheduled for March 28th.

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  1. Is the morning sickness better yet? I have a girlfriend who had the same thing with her pregnancy - I will ask her for some tips...hang in there!

  2. It's better ... but unfortunately, I am still throwing up at least every evening (and sometimes in the morning!). I just keep hoping it will end before our cruise in April. Wish me luck! And we still need to get together soon!

  3. Well,
    I hate to say I think my brother is right, but I do. I was so tempted to just say find out the sex to disagree with him, but I can't. This truly is one of the great surprises in life. In my opionion, it makes the pregnancy more exciting because everyone you meet will ask "Do you know what you're having?" Then they will excitedly offer their opionon based on "how you are carrying" and have baby pools to see who's right, etc. This may seem insignificant, but it really adds a lot of joy and helps build the anticipation of your little bundle's arrival!! I, for one, think you and my brother are going to give me my first nephew and, that my dear, is solely based on my instinct and not "how you're carrying". My brother has too much testosterone for me to think any differently.

    Love ya,
