Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 7, 2011

Intro and Full Integrated Screen

Hello to my family, friends ... and anyone else who is taking the time to read this! My name is Amy and I am going to say it. I'm PREGNANT (you know, if you couldn't tell by the name of the blog!)  I am in my mid-30s, and let's just say I have pretty much been freaking out since I found out. So I figured, this is a great therapeutic way to get everything off my chest ... well, maybe except these gigantic things that basically appeared overnight.

Anyway, I am about 12 weeks today and have had the joy of this so-called "morning sickness" since about seven weeks. Let me tell you - a man must have invented this term, cause there is no just morning part of it. It should be called all day sickness or you are going to be horribly miserable for the next few weeks sickness. Speaking of that, a man must have came up with the term geriatric pregnancy too - which is what they call you when you are over 35. WHAT? Regardless, I am happy to report that so far, baby is healthy and everything is moving along as it should. It is definitely stressful waiting for that first ultrasound to see the heartbeat - it's like the first time you really feel like you can breathe!

Today, I had a second ultrasound as part of my Full Integrated Screen (don't ask about my husband not making it though!). Anyway, this apparently helps give you a more concrete determination of your risk for a child with genetic defects. There is a second blood screening in a few weeks, so it'll take some time to get the results, but I will keep everyone updated. It really is pretty cool what technology can do these days - not to mention maybe not having to have the big needle through the belly for an amnio. Like that wouldn't scare the beejeezus out of someone.

Oh - and I have a kidney ultrasound tomorrow. Yes, that's right - I am a stone former apparently. I was admitted to the hospital just before getting pregnant and have more to pass. Can you say FUN? Can't wait for those little "bundles" of joy to start their journey from my kidney. UGH.

Now that I have officially bored you, I want to stress that since this is my first - I am welcoming and ENCOURAGING tips from anyone and everyone about being pregnant and how to get through some of the rough patches. You can only read so many books before freaking out that everything you do is going to hurt the baby - that's where all you wonderful people come in!

Talk to you soon!


  1. Yes, geriatric pregnancy... I also heard Advanced Maternal Age alot (of course I was 40!) And then there was the doctor who told me that no matter what I would never be allowed to go one-minute past my due date because of my ADVANCED MATERNAL AGE and therefore they would induce me at 40 weeks despite the fact that the average first pregnancy lasts 41 weeks and 1 day! And that is where my acupuncturist came into play. She induced my pregnancy so I could have a natural childbirth. And now that I am freaking out all of your friends that are not pseudo-hippies, my biggest piece of advice would be to find an acupuncturist who deals with pregnancy. I know lots of people who used acupuncturist to cure their "morning" sickness.
    I also have a blog, but it is sort of on the down-low, so you will have to go check it out to know that you actually do know me in real life.
    Congratulations, you will be an amazing mother.

  2. Hi Amy,

    Wow! Uncle Dino and I are soooo excited to hear you are going to have a baby! Congratulations, do you know the sex of the baby? I will be making a blanket and matching beanies for your little one. You and Mike are going to be great parents and they already have built in auntie and uncle at your home. I bet your mom is really excited just tell her grandkids are better than kids. Hey, what is going on with your sister? I sent a couple of texts and left a message but did not hear back from her, if you talk to her please have her contact me. Tell your mom I said hello and to email me sometime, we need to stay closer especially now with the little one on the way.
    I am so glad to hear that Auntie Jo's legacy will go on, I miss her so much and I know you must too.

    Lot's of love
    Auntie Opal

  3. Hi Aunt Opal!

    I am really looking forward to the blanket and beanie! I am lucky to have someone crafty in the family - that's for sure!

    And yes, we will be finding out if its a boy or girl on March 28th (at least that is the plan for now)!

    I will make sure that everyone gets in touch soon.


  4. I love your blogging... too cute! Especially for the little one to read later. Wish we had chatted sooner on the blood tests& amino.... highly recommend NOT getting yourself worked up... all the people I know that had it done (which is about 5) ALL came out in the 90 percentile that their babies would have down syndrome NONE of the babies have it! Can u imagine if they took the dr's advice of aborting... something to remember when u get your results love.

    Happy blogging my dear! Congrats again! Go beavers! (Now you'll have to explain that to the little one later) hahaha!

    PS. Little angel forming in Mommy's womb... your Mommy & Daddy are so excited to be having you... you are already so special... we all can't wait to met you!
    Love you!
    April Worrell
