Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 23, 2011

So Much to Learn and Do ... So Little Time

One minute, I feel like so much has happened the last few weeks … and the next, like there is still so much to do and learn. Here is a brief recap.

As you know, I went in for my glucose test on the 16th. Let’s just say that the “flat orange pop” as the doctor’s office so politely describes, actually tastes a lot worse.

Add to the fact that you have to get it all down in five minutes, not any better. Took all of my will power to keep it down for an hour, but I succeeded. I haven’t heard back on the results yet, which I want to take as a good sign. But I should also note that I am now on bi-weekly doctor visits, so they might just be waiting to share the news for my next appointment on June 1st. I will let you know!

Our new windows are also being installed today – so I hope I come home to a brand new house! I am sure they are going to look great and it’s giving me hope that we might actually have everything ready by the time baby girl gets here. The nursery room painting also starts later this week, so it’s nice to see that things are really coming together.

Finally, we had our birthing class on Saturday. It was great and I learned a lot … probably more than I ever wanted to know if I am being honest. Let’s just say that I left even more terrified about this birthing process than I was before. I still can’t comprehend something that big coming out of something that small.

It was great for Mike too … especially seeing him practice breathing techniques. I didn’t necessarily need him doing it in my face, but at least he participated, right?

But hearing things about effacement, dilation, mucus plugs, Braxton-Hicks – and seeing pictures of what this whole birth process does to your body, well – not so appealing. As a first timer here, I am so happy about having a doula. I think she will be instrumental in trying to help keep both Mike and me calm – at a time when I know that I am going to absolutely freak out. Especially during the early labor when you are encouraged to stay at home.

Good thing that when my doctor asked me at my last appointment if I had any thoughts about my birth “plan”, I reminded her to make a note in my chart that said “Very open to c-section!” I then told her to put gold starts around it, draw flowers, anything to make sure that whatever doctor from the practice is on call for me, they don’t miss it!

Anyway, one of the biggest things that came up is that Mike really wants to watch our little one being born. Obviously, for all of you who REALLY know me, this totally creeps me out. First, I am COMPLETELY private and I don’t want ANYONE in that delivery room, much less my husband watching my junk stretch out to the size of a football field. Second, I think once a guy sees what happens to your body down there during child birth, well – they never can really see you as attractive anymore. Heck, even after seeing the pictures in class, I don’t think I could ever look at it the same way again either!

I am all for letting him cut the cord and that good stuff – as long as he stays up towards my head. But this has truly caused a bit of stress between us … because we both strongly have our opinions. So to help, I want to hear yours! Please take the survey and let me know your thoughts.

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Please keep in mind that I totally get that it would be something cool for him to see and I understand the emotional side of it – I really do. But I ask that when voting, you also consider me and my extreme terror. Is knowing that he will be down there going to stress me out even more and slow down the process (I heard anxiety can do that)? UGH!

Anyway – thanks for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate them.

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